Wednesday 19 March 2014

PDF⋙ Three Point Shot by J. R. Nakken

Three Point Shot by J. R. Nakken

Three Point Shot

Three Point Shot by J. R. Nakken PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nathan Red Leggins, a budding basketball star, leaves his grandmother's home on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation and starts his sophomore year at Mid-Valley in the foreign surroundings of suburban Spokane, Washington. He narrates the first few weeks of his new life between the covers of THREE POINT SHOT. Nathan's personal war is fought on three fronts: he doesn't like his new stepfather; he wants to date Ashley Green, an intellectually gifted neighbor; and he is certain Coach Damon won't give him the varsity point guard spot, solely for ethnic reasons. Mid-Valley has its share of Popular People and Pipeheads, and Nathan, Ashley, and redheaded Jake Tremaine are soon embroiled in drama and intrigue with many of them. Who planted the contraband in Nathan's locker? Why? How will he rectify the lie that passed his lips on the first day of school? Finally, how will he keep peace at home? THREE POINT SHOT asks these questions in an exciting read for young adults of all ages. Follow Nathan Red Leggins as he finds the answers he may have anticipated, and some he didn't expect.

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