Thursday 13 March 2014

PDF⋙ Among the Pastoral Afar in Ethiopia: Tradition, Continuity and Socio-Economic Change by Kassa Negussie Getachew

Among the Pastoral Afar in Ethiopia: Tradition, Continuity and Socio-Economic Change by Kassa Negussie Getachew

Among the Pastoral Afar in Ethiopia: Tradition, Continuity and Socio-Economic Change

Among the Pastoral Afar in Ethiopia: Tradition, Continuity and Socio-Economic Change by Kassa Negussie Getachew PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Ethiopian Afar are a pastoral people with a fearless reputation. They have roamed the Awash Valley for ages. How do they cope with the modern development of irrigated cultivation in the lowlands and the policy to displace pastoral communities from these lands by a coercive state that looks down upon them as 'backward', to say the least? An outstanding study into the problems pastoral peoples face around the world when resource conflicts threaten their sources of livelihood.

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