Sunday 29 November 2015

PDF⋙ Spinning for Coarse, Game and Sea Fish by William J Howes

Spinning for Coarse, Game and Sea Fish by William J Howes

Spinning for Coarse, Game and Sea Fish

Spinning for Coarse, Game and Sea Fish by William J Howes PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Friday 27 November 2015

PDF⋙ Physics and Chemistry of Graphene: Graphene to Nanographene

Physics and Chemistry of Graphene: Graphene to Nanographene

Physics and Chemistry of Graphene: Graphene to Nanographene

Physics and Chemistry of Graphene: Graphene to Nanographene PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From a chemistry aspect, graphene is the extrapolated extreme of condensed polycyclic hydrocarbon molecules to infinite size. Here, the concept on aromaticity which organic chemists utilize is applicable. Interesting issues appearing between physics and chemistry are pronounced in nano-sized graphene (nanographene), as we recognize the importance of the shape of nanographene in understanding its electronic structure. In this book, the fundamental issues on the electronic, magnetic, and chemical properties of condensed polycyclic hyodrocarbon molecules, nanographene and graphene are comprehensively discussed.

From reader reviews:

Iris Robertson:

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PDF⋙ Inscribing the Environment (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture)

Inscribing the Environment (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture)

Inscribing the Environment (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture)

Inscribing the Environment (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Ecocriticism as a theoretical model has primarily been used in the study of Romantic, post-Romantic, and contemporary literary texts. Applications of the concepts to medieval literature, however, are a fairly recent phenomenon. This book examines key, canonical works from medieval Spain, showing how descriptions of the natural world in these texts are informed by both the authors perceptions of the environment and established literary models.


From reader reviews:

Danielle Rucks:

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Thursday 26 November 2015

PDF⋙ The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: The Piketty Opportunity

The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: The Piketty Opportunity

The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: The Piketty Opportunity

The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: The Piketty Opportunity PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This volume of essays builds upon renewed interest in the long-run global development of wealth and inequality stimulated by the publication in 2014 of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century. It brings together an international team of leading economic historians and economists to provide a comprehensive overview of global developments in the theory, practice, and policy of inequality, and its place in the modern world order.

The contributors take stock of the key concepts involved – capital, wealth and income, inequality, economic development, financialization – and evaluate the evidence for historical trends in existing national statistical data sources. To the developed economies upon which Piketty drew are added contributions covering Latin America, Africa, India, and Japan, providing a global perspective upon a global phenomenon.

The book seeks to provide readers with a deeper awareness and understanding of the significance of equality and inequality in economic development, the varying pace of economic change around the world, and the manner in which this process of change affects the distribution of wealth and inequality in diverse economies. The collection marks an important step in the process of developing Piketty's analytical framework and empirical material, overcoming its limitations and helping to cement a lasting place for inequality in the agenda of growth theory.

From reader reviews:

Sarah Maddocks:

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Wednesday 18 November 2015

PDF⋙ Bankruptcy Act 1967 (Act 360) & rules made thereunder: As at 5th February 2001 (Laws of Malaysia) by Malaysia

Bankruptcy Act 1967 (Act 360) & rules made thereunder: As at 5th February 2001 (Laws of Malaysia) by Malaysia

Bankruptcy Act 1967 (Act 360) & rules made thereunder: As at 5th February 2001 (Laws of Malaysia)

Bankruptcy Act 1967 (Act 360) & rules made thereunder: As at 5th February 2001 (Laws of Malaysia) by Malaysia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From reader reviews:

Estelle Hicks:

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Bankruptcy Act 1967 (Act 360) & rules made thereunder: As at 5th February 2001 (Laws of Malaysia) by Malaysia EPub

Friday 13 November 2015

PDF⋙ Terence Donovan: Portraits

Terence Donovan: Portraits

Terence Donovan: Portraits

Terence Donovan: Portraits PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From Twiggy in the Swinging Sixties to Princess Diana in the 1980s: three decades of legendary British fashion photographer Terence Donovan

This is the first book dedicated to the portraiture of legendary photographer Terence Donovan, a genre that spanned the entirety of his four-decade career. During this time he worked for major British and international magazines including Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar and Elle. Donovan undertook numerous private portrait commissions, photographing public figures from the worlds of the arts, politics and business, in addition to members of the British Royal family; his many sitters include Yasser Arafat, Naomi Campbell, Sean Connery, Diana Princess of Wales, Laurence Olivier and Charlotte Rampling.

Along with his iconic portraits, this book features unseen work from Donovan’s archive, never previously published or exhibited. It also reproduces magazine spreads, contact sheets and pages from diaries and daybooks--rare ephemera that provide a unique insight into Donovan’s working practice.

Terence Daniel Donovan (1936–96) was born in the East End of London and took his first photo at the age of 15. The bomb-damaged industrial landscape of his hometown became the backdrop of much of his fashion photography, and he set the trend for positioning fashion models in stark and gritty urban environments. Along with David Bailey and Brian Duffy, he captured, and in many ways helped create, the Swinging London of the 1960s. Donovan’s passion for photography remained constant throughout his long career. In 1963 he told a young Jean Shrimpton that “photography fascinates me. Instant fascination every time. When the fascination leaves me, I’ll give it up.” As it never did, neither did he.

From reader reviews:

Graham Ayala:

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PDF⋙ Peasant life in Old German epics; Meier Helmbrecht and Der arme Heinrich (Records of civilization: sources and studies) by Clair Hayden Bell

Peasant life in Old German epics; Meier Helmbrecht and Der arme Heinrich (Records of civilization: sources and studies) by Clair Hayden Bell

Peasant life in Old German epics; Meier Helmbrecht and Der arme Heinrich (Records of civilization: sources and studies)

Peasant life in Old German epics; Meier Helmbrecht and Der arme Heinrich (Records of civilization: sources and studies) by Clair Hayden Bell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.

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Thursday 12 November 2015

PDF⋙ Lightning Ben by Charles Benjamin Basye

Lightning Ben by Charles Benjamin Basye

Lightning Ben

Lightning Ben by Charles Benjamin Basye PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lightning Ben is the autobiography of C. Ben Basye. Following an accelerated education in a one-room country school, Ben pursued and accomplished many fulfilling life paths, including two Ph.D.s and an exceptional military career. This book details his Navy Pilot experience as well as his many contributions during the Korean war. Included in his life story is a short but provocative critique of the "New Military" and his view of the crumbling U.S. public education system.

From reader reviews:

Margaret Chambers:

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Sunday 8 November 2015

PDF⋙ Aikanana by Edward Baia

Aikanana by Edward Baia


Aikanana by Edward Baia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From reader reviews:

Cornelius Callaghan:

Why don't make it to become your habit? Right now, try to ready your time to do the important take action, like looking for your favorite book and reading a guide. Beside you can solve your condition; you can add your knowledge by the e-book entitled Aikanana. Try to the actual book Aikanana as your friend. It means that it can to become your friend when you truly feel alone and beside regarding course make you smarter than before. Yeah, it is very fortuned for yourself. The book makes you considerably more confidence because you can know anything by the book. So , let me make new experience in addition to knowledge with this book.

Clara Reece:

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PDF⋙ RealmScapes - A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology by Realm Makers

RealmScapes - A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology by Realm Makers

RealmScapes - A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology

RealmScapes - A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology by Realm Makers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Escape to the extravagant "Dragon Hotel," where the luxuries and the company may make you want to stay forever. Or complete your mission and sneak into the enemy s base where you walk in the shoes and skin of aliens.

Whatever happens, don t look under the bed. There be monsters and worse in the dark shadows and around blind corners.

From robot apocalypses to seemingly haunted nursing homes, these seventeen otherworldly stories will drive you to escape from your everyday existence. Featuring well-known authors such as Ben Wolf and Jeff Gerke, as well as new, up-and-coming writers, these stories may transfix you with visions of alien planets ... or leave you with an itch that nags at the edges of your memory.

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Friday 6 November 2015

PDF⋙ Mauricio Lasansky : 43 prints, 1937-1972: [exhibition] Blanden Art Gallery, Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 10-July 29, 1973 by Mauricio Lasansky

Mauricio Lasansky : 43 prints, 1937-1972: [exhibition] Blanden Art Gallery, Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 10-July 29, 1973 by Mauricio Lasansky

Mauricio Lasansky : 43 prints, 1937-1972: [exhibition] Blanden Art Gallery, Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 10-July 29, 1973

Mauricio Lasansky : 43 prints, 1937-1972: [exhibition] Blanden Art Gallery, Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 10-July 29, 1973 by Mauricio Lasansky PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Wednesday 4 November 2015

PDF⋙ Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality (Geographical Information Systems series)

Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality (Geographical Information Systems series)

Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality (Geographical Information Systems series)

Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality (Geographical Information Systems series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book explains the concept of spatial data quality, a key theory for minimizing the risks of data misuse in a specific decision-making context. Drawing together chapters written by authors who are specialists in their particular field, it provides both the data producer and the data user perspectives on how to evaluate the quality of vector or raster data which are both produced and used. It also covers the key concepts in this field, such as: how to describe the quality of vector or raster data; how to enhance this quality; how to evaluate and document it, using methods such as metadata; how to communicate it to users; and how to relate it with the decision-making process. Also included is a Foreword written by Professor Michael F. Goodchild.

From reader reviews:

Anthony Hanna:

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PDF⋙ People's Prayer Book

People's Prayer Book

People's Prayer Book

People's Prayer Book PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This new Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book by Catholic Book Publishing has everything you need for prayer. The most comprehensive prayer book, the Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book is literally an encyclopedia of prayer. Edited by Rev. Francis Evans, the new Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book draws prayers from a wide variety of spiritual sources including the Bible, the Liturgy, the Enchiridion of Indulgences, the Saints, Church Scholars and other Spiritual Writers. At over 1,000 pages, this essential volume contains over 1,400 prayers for every need.

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Tuesday 3 November 2015

PDF⋙ Viruses in Human Tumors: 5th Expert Meeting of the 'Deutsche Stiftung für Krebsforschung', Bonn, October 1985 (Contributions to Oncology / Beiträge zur Onkologie, Vol. 24)

Viruses in Human Tumors: 5th Expert Meeting of the 'Deutsche Stiftung für Krebsforschung', Bonn, October 1985 (Contributions to Oncology / Beiträge zur Onkologie, Vol. 24)

Viruses in Human Tumors: 5th Expert Meeting of the 'Deutsche Stiftung für Krebsforschung', Bonn, October 1985 (Contributions to Oncology / Beiträge zur Onkologie, Vol. 24)

Viruses in Human Tumors: 5th Expert Meeting of the 'Deutsche Stiftung für Krebsforschung', Bonn, October 1985 (Contributions to Oncology / Beiträge zur Onkologie, Vol. 24) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Sunday 1 November 2015

PDF⋙ Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze

Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze

Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze

Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Concentrating mainly on the process philosophy developed by Alfred North Whitehead, this series of essays brings together some of the newest developments in the application of process thinking to the physical and social sciences. These essays, by established scholars in the field, demonstrate how a wider and deeper understanding of the world can be obtained using process philosophical concepts, how the distortions and blockages inevitably inherent in substantivist talk can be set aside, and how new and fertile lines of research in the sciences can be opened as a result.

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PDF⋙ The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen

The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen

The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen

The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In this captivating memoir, the man whom Julia Child has called "the best chef in America" tells the story of his rise from a frightened apprentice in an exacting Old World kitchen to an Emmy Awardwinning superstar who taught millions of Americans how to cook and shaped the nation's tastes in the bargain.
We see young Jacques as a homesick six-year-old boy in war-ravaged France, working on a farm in exchange for food, dodging bombs, and bearing witness as German soldiers capture his father, a fighter in the Resistance. Soon Jacques is caught up in the hurly-burly action of his mother's café, where he proves a natural. He endures a literal trial by fire and works his way up the ladder in the feudal system of France's most famous restaurant, finally becoming Charles de Gaulle's personal chef, watching the world being refashioned from the other side of the kitchen door.
When he comes to America, Jacques immediately falls in with a small group of as-yet-unknown food lovers, including Craig Claiborne, James Beard, and Julia Child, whose adventures redefine American food. Through it all, Jacques proves himself to be a master of the American art of reinvention: earning a graduate degree from Columbia University, turning down a job as John F. Kennedy's chef to work at Howard Johnson's, and, after a near-fatal car accident, switching careers once again to become a charismatic leader in the revolution that changed the way Americans approached food. Included as well are approximately forty all-time favorite recipes created during the course of a career spanning nearly half a century, from his mother's utterly simple cheese soufflé to his wife's pork ribs and red beans.
The Apprentice is the poignant and sometimes funny tale of a boy's coming of age. Beyond that, it is the story of America's culinary awakening and the transformation of food from an afterthought to a national preoccupation.

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